
Real orgasms

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She masturbates in a photo booth in the middle of a train station!

Veronique tells us a real story about once when she was getting off a train, she had to piss. She couldn't find any toilets in the station, so she relieved herself between two cars and was surprised by a stranger. We go back to the station to re-enact the scene. Twice Veronique squats down to piss, but there are too many people around. She can’t hold herself back anymore, so she hides behind a car and pisses herself empty! For fun I ask her to jerk off in a photo booth in the middle of the train station. She comes back to my office and drinks liters of water, while telling me that she’s not at all modest. To prove it to me she spreads her legs: She’s not wearing any panties! She tells to my face that she’s horny and I watch her play with her pussy shamelessly. She can’t hold herself back anymore. She drank too much. Suddenly she spreads her legs and relives herself with huge spurts of urine that don’t stop flowing. This turns her on even more and she masturbates herself to orgasm right in front of me to cool down.
Video n°249 - Length: 14 min. - Size: 154 Mo - File type: mp4

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Real orgasms                  100% amateur

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