
Real orgasms

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She bursts out laughing when she comes!

This is the first video for a series of pissing videos. I film a public pissing session followed by a nice masturbation. Nathalie tells a story in which she took a piss after leaving the hospital. To recreate these conditions, I choose a place where cars constantly pass by to heighten the risk and the tension. I give her more than three cups of tea with rum to make it hard for her to hold it in. Watch the results: her bladder is so full shat she doesn’t even have the time to take off her panties! She comes back to my office for a second pissing session, and I make her drink liters to get her to the point where she can’t hold back. While she’s drinking, we turn her on and my camera surprises her wide puffed open pussy while she’s talking to us. A voyeur’s dream come true! On the verge of exploding, she lets herself go and pisses in huge streams in a corner of my office. I ask her to play with herself and she orgasms in less than two minutes. “Oh, I’m going to cum!” she whispers. This woman has one particularity...she bursts out laughing when she climaxes...I 've never seen this before!
Video n°257 - Length: 8 min. - Size: 95 Mo - File type: mp4

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Real orgasms                  100% amateur

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Coeds, indecent bourgeoises, executives, milfs, wives, officials, teachers, couples, cougars, naughty girls, mature ladies... Our pretty sluts have fun with young and vigorous stallions in two-somes, thre-somes and more-somes!

Our amateur girls have real orgasms! They are not acting, their vagina is swollen and open which is proof they don't cheat!
No staging effects and no special editing. Authentic, real footage! Exciting stuff!

Watch them come on camera!

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